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- by Dick Heckert
- Now you can let your fingers do the walking at your computer instead of
- through the yellow pages or your little black book. PHONE BOOK will hold up
- to 300 names, addresses, phone numbers and notes. It also allows you to
- print out mailing labels from the records, sort them by any of its six
- fields, and even make phone calls without dialing!
- The program has been compiled in order to speed up the sort routine,
- but the source code (in BASIC 7.0) is on the disk under the name "phone
- book.bas". LOADSTAR wants you to have full control of the programs we
- publish.
- PHONE BOOK has two modes of operation -- COMMAND MODE and EDIT DATA
- MODE. In COMMAND MODE you can use all the keyboard commands listed along
- the left side of the screen. No need to memorize commands here. Here's
- what the commands do, starting at the top.
- Press E to enter EDIT DATA MODE where information can be added or
- revised on the file cards. You are moved to line #1 of the showing record
- of the current "BOX" -- more on the two BOXes later. If you press RETURN
- with no entry the line will not change. Otherwise enter the entire line of
- text. A typical record will have:
- name line #1
- street address line #2
- city state zip line #3
- phone number line #4
- notes line #5
- sort code or notes line #6
- Almost any characters can be used, including commas and colons. Complete
- all six lines and you will return to COMMAND MODE. You can erase a line by
- entering a space and then pressing RETURN. The record is corrected after
- you finish line 6. The first three lines will be your mailing label and
- line #4 should only have the phone number (for the ringer).
- Press G to search from the present record card to the end of the file
- for any name or address. Just enter up to ten letters and press RETURN.
- The following cards will be searched (all six lines) for a match, and when
- found, will be displayed.
- Press + to advance to the next record.
- Press - to back up to the previous record.
- Press A and the first record in the file will appear in the active box.
- Use this to return to the beginning before a GOTO search.
- Press Z for the last record in the file. Go here and then press + for
- a blank card to add to the file.
- Press the UP ARROW key to delete the current file card.
- Press the BACK ARROW key and all the following records will be moved up
- one number. You can then add data to the blank card showing in the active
- card window.
- Press F for the directory of the phone book files on your disk. Files
- for this program are identified by "m." prefixes to the filenames and only
- these files are shown in the directory. Then use the UP/DOWN CRSR key to
- select a file and press L to load the file into memory in place of the
- current file. If you want to add the new file to the end of the current
- file, press A for APPEND. To return to the current file in memory without
- loading, just press RETURN to abort to COMMAND MODE.
- To change to another filename or load another file, press N and then
- enter the new name. Do not add the "m." identifier to your filename.
- Press L to load the filename shown at the top of the active window.
- The file now in memory will be replaced by the file being loaded.
- To add the new file to the end of the file now in memory press C. You
- can tack on files to make one big master file (up to the 300 record limit).
- Press S and the file now in memory will replace the one on disk with
- the filename shown. If you do not want the disk file replaced, change the
- filename (with N) before pressing S.
- Press T to see a list of the first lines of each card in the file. Use
- this to check for correct spelling and case before using GOTO for a search.
- Press O to change the order of the records in the file. You will be
- asked for the line number to be used as the sort index. This sort is
- upper/lower case sensitive so try to keey your list consistent. Have all
- proper names start with caps, for example. If you want to sort by something
- other than title or ZIP code, try using line #6 as a "sort index". Give the
- records you want to be listed first a letter from the beginning of the
- alphabet and the records you want last letters from the end of the alphabet.
- The sort will be much faster if you keep these codes short -- one or two
- letters long.
- Press P to print out mail labels or to print out all six lines of data.
- You can then choose the starting record number and the final record for your
- print-out. If you want a number of mailing labels for the same record,
- enter the record number as starting and final record and then enter the
- number of copies you would like (up to 99). This is handy for making return
- address labels for yourself.
- Find the card file for the person to be called (with the phone number
- on line #4), turn up the volume on your monitor and press R. Hold the
- handset of your touch-tone phone near the monitor speaker. You can use
- 1-800-555-3426 format or 18005553426. The dash will be skipped. Do not
- leave spaces between numbers or they will sound like a zero. The monitor
- volume must be up pretty high for the phone system to catch it.
- Any drive that's on and hooked up to your system can be chosen by
- pressing U. This unit will then be the source AND destination drive. To
- load from one drive and save to another, press U before and after the load
- to set the desired drive numbers.
- B BOX:
- There are two "boxes" of cards visible on the screen. BOX ONE is at
- the top and BOX TWO is at the bottom. If you want to compare two record
- cards put one record in BOX ONE and then switch to BOX TWO and GOTO the
- comparison card. You can even leave a card from one file in BOX TWO while
- you load a new file in BOX ONE. The COMMANDs window on the left shows which
- BOX is the currently active one.
- Press H anytime you're in the COMMAND MODE and short synopses of the
- Commands are displayed in three help screens.
- Press Q and you'll be asked if you really want to quit. If there is a
- LOADSTAR in drive 8, you'll return to LOADSTAR's menu. If not, then you'll
- return to BASIC.
- I've found this PHONE BOOK to be quite handy for keeping track of
- important numbers, as well as addresses. I hope you can use it, too.
- DH
- **** End of Text ****